Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What's New With the Kiddo's

Sorry, only a picture of Mya. Ky is asleep right now, plus it's hard to get a picture that is appropriate for posting right now - see what new things he is doing!
Today I was thinking of the new things both my kids are doing, so I decided to document it before I forget!

  • Is growing like a weed! My mom keeps buying her clothes for "later" in the summer, and before we know it they fit her! Good thing it seems to be warming up for good this week!

  • Loves her exersaucer. She has learned how to turn herself around in it, and so can point it where ever is most interesting for her to look.

  • Recognizes her mom, dad and brother's voices. She will hear Tim talking when he gets home and she will get the biggest smile, or Kylan when she wakes up, or me if someone else is holding her. It is so fun to have her know who her family is!

  • Is getting a little better about tummy time. Still not her favorite, but she lifts her head up well, and gets her chest off the ground a little bit, and then she discovers that her fist is stuck under her and can be sucked on easily.

  • Can scoot around on her back. I will lay her down in one spot, and come back and she has moved quite a bit or is turned in a different direction. She won't be left on the bed anymore.
  • Can hold onto toys. She isn't quite sure what to do with them, and lets the go pretty quickly, but she can grap them.

  • And lastly, she can sit propped all the way up without slouching over to one side or the other.


  • Is starting to talk in full sentences. This is really nice for communicating with him, not to mention that it is so cute!

  • Stayed in nursery for 1 hour and 40 minutes by himself on Sunday! He got too tired at the end, so I went and got him and he fell asleep on me during young womens.

  • Is getting better at the potty training. Until the last couple days, I always had to tell him when to got. Yesterday and today though he has caught on to the fact that he can go whenever he wants. This is awesome!!!

  • Is becoming a nudist! With the potty training he has learned to take his pants and undies off, so is now naked or at least bottomless most of the day.

  • Is going to be a hunter. All day he is shooting birdies out the window, in the backyard, while we are driving, etc. He also turns everything into a gun!

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