Saturday, August 29, 2009

Birthday . . .

So yesterday was my birthday and it was a really weird one. I guess this is what happens when you have kids and more important things in life, because everyone forgot including me! I was subbing, I left in the morning, kissed Tim good bye, took the kids to my moms, talked to my parents, went to sub and at about 9am I got a text from a good friend from high school that said Happy Birthday, and I had totally forgotten. In an hour I had a couple frantic messages from my hubby, and after school my mom was afraid I had cried all the way to work because she forgot! My in-laws didn't remember until just about a half hour ago, and I'm not offended (No one needs to apologize), I just think it's funny! I remember my mom telling me when I was little that birthdays aren't as much fun when you are an adult, and I thought that was impossible, but here I am forgetting my own! Oh well, Happy 27th birthday to me!!! 
P.S. There were a lot of people that remembered and called me! I love you!


Alisha said...

ha! totally true. birthdays are just not that big of a deal anymore.
happy belated birthday anyway.

The Fallon Schank's said...

Oh no! I thought that you bday was Monday!!! 'Sorry, cute Kassi! We'll celebrate twice as hard then! Love you!