Monday, January 18, 2010

Cute Kids Before Church

This is for Grandma Kenna. She bought the kids these cute church outfits for Kort and Jessie's wedding reception here and Kylan ended up with the flu and Mya was asleep (she was getting sick also, we just didn't know it at the time), so they never wore them for the reception, and they haven't been to church since then until yesterday. So, here is how cute they would've looked!

P.S. Teri and I were released yesterday as the YW presidency. I will miss the girls, but after 4 years for Teri and 3 years for me the girls needed people with some new ideas! I know they will love Mary and she will do a great job!!!


Mary said...

They did look super cute! (As usual)

LasVegasSchank's said...

They are so adorable! Kylan is a little stud! I love the outfits!!!