Tim left LAST Saturday for Scout Camp and got home today at about 1pm. That is why there has been such a shocking lack of posts on here - we have been in survival mode at this house. And, although I took lots of pics on my phone to send to Tim, I never took any with my camera until he got home today. Here is a highlight list of what we did/happened while Tim was gone. There was really never a dull moment!
10. Not sleeping in past 6am at all this week. Even after the first few nights when kids kept getting up (Emmit was up for a whole hour one night), either Ky or Mya made sure I wasn't able to sleep past 6am. Couple that with not being able to fall asleep until after 11pm, and I pretty much had a dull headache everyday all day. Lots of diet Coke was consumed at my house this week!
9. Being taught patience this week, and I wasn't a very willing student for the first half or so, trust me!
8. Somehow losing the remote to my car while at the park with the kids when the remote, attached to my keys, had been in my pocket the whole time. Awesomeness!
7. Emmit playing in the pool at grandma's in the nudies. So stinkin' cute! I love nudie babies!
6. Going to lunch with my parents, Kort and Jess and Lacy. Carissa was so nice to stay home with the other three so that I could get a little break!
5. Emmit sprouting a tooth. Although exciting in one sense, stressful in another since Tim was gone. I held him and walked around during pretty much all of church on Sunday and that night I discovered the tooth.
4.Tim telling me about their final camp fire thing where they retired an old flag (pretty cool) and then put their arms around each others shoulders and swayed back and forth to "I'm proud to be an American". I laughed so hard, and laughed several more times just thinking about it. I am about to laugh right now.
3.Locking Emmit in the house and Kylan, Mya and I out. It was about 9am. Only Kylan had shoes on. I walked into Brett and Teri's crying, makeup running down my face (I had just applied my mascara) and they were having a meeting with all the milkers. The lady giving the presentation I think thought I was crazy. Everything turned out fine, Laine was able to open a window before the locksmith got there and Emmit only cried the last few minutes and I had just put the gate up blocking the stairs, so I felt pretty confident that he would be okay. Brett and Teri now have a spare key so that will never happen again!
2. The day Mya wore her swimsuite all day long. She played in a pool at playgroup, then didn't want to change and I didn't see a need to since she was going to play in the kiddie pools at grandma's house that night anyway. Plus she is so cute in her suite!
1. All of my wonderful family who did so much to help me this week! Grandma's and Grandpa's who fed us and let us come over at night so I could have some help before bed time, Gav & Rayanne for taking Ky for a few hours for me so I could have a little break, Laine for breaking into my house so I didn't have to pay an arm and a leg to have my door unlocked and I could get to my crying baby, Tonya, Rachel and Derild for calling and checking on me, Bill for taking Ky with him to do chores, Kort and Jessie for helping whenever I needed it, Lynne for Sonic drinks in the afternoon and Carissa for being the kids slave for 3 days
What a long week you had! Daniel had to go the whole time last year and I feel your pain. This year was just half the time, but it's still no fun when dad's gone. Glad Tim is home and you survived!
Ha. # 4 and 3 almost need their own post. I laughed so hard at those!
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