After being relatively healthy all winter all of us except Tim have been sick this week. I started the cold off on Thursday, then Kylan had it come Sunday, and then Mya and Emmit followed a day or two later. Kylan, Emmit and I seem to be getting over it today, but poor Mya girl started with a fever last night and even though she insisted when she got up this morning that she was all better (I think it was just because she wanted to see Uncle Bill who came into town last night) . . .
She looks like this right now back on my bed. She has a fever again, but hopefully now she will just relax because Uncle Bill stopped in this morning and saw them!
Kylan started Tball this week. His dad and Uncle Gav are the coaches and he is loving it! They found out on Monday that their first practice was Wednesday, and since he is a lefty we of course could not find a tball glove for a lefty in Fallon, so we had a little family trip to Reno on Tuesday to get his tball stuff and his birthday shopping done. We left here at 9:30am and were heading home by a little after 3pm. The best part was the kids were awesome the whole time! We had no major breakdowns, didn't even have to bring the dvd player in with us to eat lunch and everyone slept on the way home. Plus we went on the worst weather day of the week so Tim was pretty happy he wasn't at work!

And there is my little Emmit boy in the background. His worst day of the cold was while we were in Reno, which was good for us (he was very calm and didn't care that he couldn't just run wherever he wanted) and I think good for him because he was pushed around in a stroller and could just relax! He still sleeps in the playroom and has been getting up earlier and earlier lately because there are lots of windows in his room and no blinds. Mom and dad were not happy about this and really neither was he, so I spent the $25 and got blinds for the playroom and we put them up this week. We are all so happy and I kicked myself for not doing this earlier! I forget how cheap mini blinds are now! I know the kids will probably break them (it is their playroom) but for $4 a blind it is well worth it!
Here he is saying cheese and thinking that the flash was going to blind him.
No flash was required so he kept his eyes wide open for the next one, but insisted on putting his hand in his mouth instead! He is a very silly boy! The poor guy has shots today, that is if he is healthy enough which he seems to be feeling much better! If not, maybe they will give him an antibiotic instead!
On a weather note, Spring is coming and you could tell this week. Total typical Fallon Spring weather: On Monday it reached 75 degrees - my kids were outside all day (until the wind came up, which is always inevitable on a warm day this time of year) I watered the lawn, and eventually the kids couldn't resist the sprinklers and ran through them. Come Tuesday the high was 39, but really it was one of those days that got colder as the day went on instead of warmer. When we left for Reno is was blowing like crazy and snowing. In Reno it kept snowing on and off the whole day! Tomorrow it's supposed to be 69 degrees! So crazy but so nice to at least have some warm days!