Our Ila (Eye-luh) Kay Sorensen joined our family
August 2, 2012 at 12:27pm
she weighed 7lbs 9oz and was 20 inches long
Now the story of how she arrived. I have said over and over that this pregnancy has been quite different from my others, so it only makes sense that Ila came her own way as well! We had actually been sent home from the hospital the weekend before, with the nurse totally sure that we would be back in a matter of hours, but after getting home and getting into bed my contractions (that I had had all day long) totally stopped, so my parents left to Palm Springs the next morning and I had totally geared myself up to go past my due date. Tuesday my wonderful sister-in-law Rayanne had taken my kids all day so that I could run errands and have some me-time, and so since she was getting ready to be out of town for 2+ weeks, I took her kids Wednesday afternoon so that she could get stuff done. The kids had a blast all afternoon! That night we ran down to Brett and Teri's so that they could give us instructions on watering their yard while they were gone for a week and I kept assuring Teri that I would still be pregnant when she got home! We walked home and then I gave the two younger kids a bath. After I had gotten their lotion pj's on I stood up and felt a small pop and a trickle. The thought passed through my head that my water had broke, but then I thought, no I could never be that lucky. That was about 9pm, and I kind of told Tim, but brushed it off and continued to put the kids to bed. Tim and I watched the olympics, then went to bed at about 10pm. At 11:30pm the on-call phone rang and while Tim was up looking for I'm not sure what (all I know was it woke me up and I wasn't happy because I was actually sleeping well), I thought I might as well go to the bathroom since I am already awake, Well when I got out of bed there was no ignoring it this time. I still didn't really want to go in and was sure I could wait for my appointment the next day, but Tim made me call labor and delivery and they told me I had to.
When we got to the hospital we had the same nurse from the previous weekend and they even put us in the same room. We had called my parents in Palm Springs who were coming home the next day and Teri had come over to stay with our kids. They ran their tests and sure enough my water had broken. Usually once they break my water when I'm in labor things move pretty quickly, so my parents left for home (they actually had left before we even had the test results back) and Bill stayed the night with our kids so Teri could be at the hospital.
I'm pretty sure Kylan took this pic of me Wednesday evening before my water broke! |
The rest of the night was a waiting game to see if I would start good contractions on my own. Even my doctor said she was up pretty much the rest of the night because being my 4th baby everyone thought I'd have her really quickly. WELL, by about 5am I still hadn't gotten into a good contraction pattern, so they started me on pitocin. Even then I would just have a couple good contractions everytime then upped it and then nothing until they upped it again. Finally at I think 9am they started coming regularly and good and at about 10am I was almost at 5 cm, which usually means I'm pushing 30 mins later, so they quickly gave me a partial spinal (it's quicker than an epidural) that would last for 2 1/2 to 3 hrs. Once again Ila wasn't going to be like everyone else, so it wasn't until about 12:20 that I was fully dialated. I was so sick of waiting by that point (and the spinal was wearing off) that once my doctor got there I pushed her out in one contraction!

And she is absolutely beautiful! She has dark brown hair (Tim's color) which made Tim and Kylan very happy! Her skin is very red looking, so hopefully she will be darker complected like Tim. She is also very sweet and so far pretty mellow.
We're experiencing the normal tiredness of a newborn, and adjustment period, but really things are going pretty well! My parents have had the other kids a lot and have kept us very well fed. I'm finding that knowing this is our last child (although Tim is still reserving the right to have more in the future if we so choose) has helped me keep things in perspective! When I'm up in the night I just tell myself this is the last time I will experience this, and it makes it not so bad!
The kids are in love with her, even Emmit who likes to be a little jokester lately and keeps calling her Baby Uke (Luke) and laughing because he knows she isn't!
We just feel so blessed to have Ila as part of our family and are so grateful for all of our amazing kiddoes! Each one of them is so special to us and we couldn't imagine life without them!