The motivation worked and I finished cleaning the room yesterday and then Tim and I moved the matresses in. They are on the floor, I just need to buy a bed frame one of these days, but with the way my brain is remembering things lately it won't be for awhile. I also discovered that since this bedroom has an entrance off the living room, it is perfect for storing all of my baby stuff that just takes up space in the living room (swing, blankets, toys that are too old for Kylan but that his cousin enjoys, etc). The before picture was taken after Tim and I had emptied about 10 boxes - ya, it was out of control! The breakfast nook is still not clean, hopefully I will still be motivated today and get it done! I'm just happy to have another functional room! When Tim got home his comment was "It looks like it did before we left." Once again, hard to know that a year ago all of this was already done!
Also, here's a cute pic of Ky in his high chair eating his cereal. I know he is only 3 months old, but mom just wasn't keeping him full enough and he wouldn't take a bottle (if I were a dairy cow, they would have sold me by now). Once we started cereal he started sleeping about 10 hours at a time and he loves it! He also likes to suck on crackers or pretzels. He just wants to be able to eat with everyone else, but for now cereal is going to have to do! I hope the pediatrition doesn't yell at me at our appointment in a couple week!