Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Prego Pics

I had a request for pregnancy pics, so here they are. Thanks Lindsey for requesting them because it made me realize I hadn't really taken any since I was very newly pregnant, so it made me take a pic. I don't have on a tight shirt, so it's hard to see in the first pic, that's the reason for the second with just my undershirt on. I definitly look pregnant because people now ask me when I'm due at school, so that is nice. I hate the in-between stage where you just look like you've eaten way too much! I'm also getting out of the in-between with clothes which is also nice. These capri's and another pair of shorts are the only non-maternity pants that still fit me. I hate it when nothing seems to fit, so it's nice that maternity clothes are starting to fit better! The baby is moving all the time time now (I've been feeling it for about 2 weeks now) which is fun for now since it doesn't keep me up at night. This one seems to be just as active as it's brother! This baby feels like it's lower though. I have been having muscle soreness at the bottom of my stomach that I don't remember having with Kylan. It seems like my muscles along the side of my stomach and my lower back was where it hurt, but I can't totally remember, so who knows! Next week I have a doctors appointment (it seems like I just had one) and we should be scheduling the ultrasound then! So, that's the baby update!


The Jeffs Family said...

You are soooo tiny! I miss having Spencer inside me sometimes. That middle part of pregnancy is so great when you are feeling the baby and have a cute little bump. Can't wait to see the ultrasound pics!

Alisha said...

what a cute baby bump!! you look great. i remember feeling the same with my second...different but i couldn't really remember. funny.

Kim said...

You look so great! thanks for entertaining Wyatt yesterday. Good luck with everything!

erin said...

You look great!! I wish I looked that good when I'm pregnant!!

Mary said...

Cool pic of the Reno temple in the background, I want one of those...

PS when do you find out the sex of the baby?

Abe n Linz said...

Such a cute baby bump! You look great. I can't believe you're already half way.
Thanks for posting these :)

Sariah Hartley said...

You are such a cute pregnant lady! You look a lot like your Mom;)

Whitney said...

Hey, your looking great. This is Steve Lloyd by the way. This is my first time doing a blogg thing so I hope Im doing it right. Anyway, we miss you guys and hope that all is well. Give your family a hug from us. And if your ever in Vegas Im sure you'll see Wade but don't forget to say hey.

Camille said...

Super cute baby bump! You look awesome!