Monday, November 21, 2011

Emmit and Shoes

Emmit has a HATE relationship with shoes. That's right, a HATE relationship, not a love/hate because he absolutely doesn't love them. There have been a couple times that he has tolerated them, once being when we were out in the middle of a chopped corn field eating lunch. At least he realized there was no way he could walk in that without shoes on his feet, but any other time what we get is what you see in the picture above. He bawls, screams, and flat out refuses to stand let alone walk. On this particular day we made him keep them on all during church. The kid didn't take one single step the whole 3 hours. He sat on our laps, was carried around and played while sitting. He used to have the same reaction with socks and footie pajama's, but I got him past it with those two things and I've kind of given up on the shoe thing. Oh Well!

1 comment:

jamie k said...

wow. i bet he doesn't like you tickling his feet then, huh? poor guy. he's cute though!