Now on to the rest of my day - Yes, the kids slept until after 8am, however when I went to get Mya, she had pooped out of her diaper and it was everywhere and on everything - all her blankets, the crib bumper, her stuffed animals - everywhere! Kylan wore his new shoes to the flag football game where the whole lawn was muddy, so now his new shoes are muddy shoes. I took both of the kids to the store with me a little too close to nap time (my kids are really good in the store usually), and he started throwing a fit at the check out stand, so the nice lady gave him a sticker. Nothing fancy, just an orange sticker that said thankyou. As soon as we got outside Ky took it off his shirt and it was a little windy and it blew away. Ky then BAWLED, not just cried, all the way home, which took a little longer because I had forgotten ice and wasn't going back in, so I went to Sonic to get it.
When we got home I gave him other stickers and he was happy with that. I was putting some things away in another room and I heard a loud noise and Mya screaming. I thought she had fallen down (she now stands up by things), but when I got there Ky told me had hit her 4 times with a book (he's not the best counter, so who knows how many times he really hit her). I held her for a minute before I noticed her eye lid was bleeding everywhere. To make an already long story a litttle shorter, I called Tim paniced and once he got here we determined it didn't need stitches.
During the eye drama, while Kylan was taking off his big boy undies for his nap he discovered he had a little pooping accident that ended up on his rug. And of course as I was putting him down for his nap he started crying again over his sticker that blew away! I told him to stop crying and he told me "Ky-Ky wants to cry", so that's what he did until he fell asleep!
Just one of those days I wanted to record for posterity!
Kassi...they usually do glue now instead of stitches on the face. It's still scary, but not quite as bad as it used to be. I'm sorry you had such a gross day, and I hope Mya's eye is going to heal OK!
sheesh! i'm exhausted just reading that.
We call those out of diaper experiences "pooplosions". Give Mya a hug for me, poor girl, and have Tim give you a hug for me.
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