Feel free to skip over this post, I am doing it for my journal keeping purposes. It all started on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I didn't feel good all morning while I was trying to get ready for church and I told Tim that when he got home from doing chores. He asked if I had the stomach flu and I said no, I was pretty sure it was morning sickness, however it was really too early to take a test. We were both super excited though! Well that continued the rest of the day, so the next morning I did take a test and it was just barely positive. I wasn't sick everyday at first, but after about a week and a half it was everyday. We wanted to surprise everyone for Christmas, so we tried to keep it to ourselves as much as we could but I think most people had figured it out by the time Christmas came around because it's hard to act normal when you feel like you have the flu all the time.
Everyone always asks if the morning sickness is worse or the same with each pregnancy and I honestly can't tell/remember. It seems worse with each one, but that could also be that with each one I have one more child to chase after so I can't take it easy as much as I would like to. I was waiting until after the new year to go into the doctor (I'm being cheap, I want it all on one deductable), so hopefully in the next week or so I will have some medicine and will be able to keep up with things a little more! Right now I have no cravings really, but there are only a few things that after eating them once I feel like eating again: life cereal, pretzels, sandwiches (with pickles), milk, water, and eggs, toast and bacon (I know, weird). Everything else it seems like sounds good once and then I can't even stomach the idea of eating it again. Oh well, only 8 more weeks of this (at the most hopefully) and then I will be fighting not to eat everything in sight! And I am hoarding some of my favorite Christmas goodies (Tim Tams and scotchmallows) until then!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Christmas Day
Christmas day was fun but crazy. We kind of woke the kids up so that Tim could see them open presents before he had to go to work. I have a ton of video of this, but no pictures. While he was at work I got everyone bathed and back in their jammies so we could go down to grandpa and grandma Sorensen's for a little bit before church. We let Kylan and Mya tell everyone that I was pregnant. They liked being the ones that got to share the surprise with everyone! I did snap a couple pics before church:
Here's Mya with her Repunzle doll and matching dress on. For some reason she won't smile for pics lately, but I promise she was happy!
Here's kind of a group shot. Brett and Teri also got the kids a kid sized trampoline. They absolutely love it and have been taking advantage of the warm winter weather the last few days and playing on it every chance they get. They were even out the other night after dark with Tim jumping on it! Emmit even likes to sit in it while the other kids jump. I will have to get some pics one of these days! After this we went home, got ready for church, went in and got to listen to some beautiful music and deal with some very hyper kids that had had way too much sugar and then came home, changed and went back to Tim's parents. Later in the afternoon we went over to my parents and opened more wonderful presents! Us and the kids were very spoiled this year!
These pics were taken the day after Christmas. Emmit loves this little chair that my parents got him. I found him like this the morning after Christmas watching a movie with Mya.
Mya once again not smiling with her baby cinderella.
Kylan with his machine gun from Uncle Kent and Aunt Stacey and his cross bow from Grandpa and Grandma Schank. He has a target up on the wall and spent hours on Christmas day at my parents house and then countless hours since at home practicing.
And this was my favorite present for Christmas - a pair of diamond hoop earrings from Tim! I was so excited! He actually hung them on the Christmas Tree Christmas Eve during the party and then couldn't wait until Christmas to point them out to me. I think this was the first time I have taken them off since that night to take a picture. I actually haven't worn earrings for close to a year because I have very sensitive ears that used to allow me to wear gold and sterling silver, but even sterling silver has been bothering them and I didn't have any gold ones! We usually don't really get anything for each other, but this year we did and it was a lot of fun! We were very blessed and spoiled this year!
Christmas Eve
We had the Schank Christmas Eve party at our house this year. It was a lot of fun to be able to have this tradition of mine at my own home and it was a lot of fun for Tim as well because our house is where he always had Christmas Eve growing up! Here's kind of a group shot after dinner. I was terrible about taking pics this Christmas!
Tim and Emmit hanging out.
Carmen led us in some songs, and then had Craig, Ernie and my dad sing a Christmas song. We then went around and told some of our favorite Christmas memories.
It was a very fun night! After everyone left we went down to Tim's parent's house really fast to reinact the nativity scene with his family. The kids did so good and very forgetful me forgot my regular and video camera. Oh well, there's always next year!
Candy Houses
I'm doing some back tracking and trying to get all of Christmas blogged before the new year, so here goes! We decorated candy houses this year (Sorensen tradition) and as usual it was a ton of fun.
Thought I'd start with a cute picture of Emmit. He was still too little to actually decorate, but he had a ton of fun eating every skittle he could get his hands on (which I think was even more than I know).
Tim and Tonya frosting their houses.
Everyone at the big table. Mya and Kylan each had their own houses this year. They loved it!
Here is Mya's finished house.
And here is Kylan's.
And here is Tim and mine. I was pretty proud of my house constructing abilities this year. It was supposed to be our house with a few tweeks so that it wouldn't fall apart. Ignore how terrible I look. I probably felt as sick as I look in this pic!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas Surprises
This was the kids Christmas morning after opening all their presents. Happy kids! This was one of the first Christmas's in years that Tim and I were surprised right along with the kids! So here are some of the highlights:
* Tim got me diamond earrings. They are so pretty!!!
*The mp3 player I got for Tim
*A Kindle Fire from Tim's parents (love it)!
*Tim's camo sweat shirt and my new pots and pans and silverware from my parents
*And we finally announced to everyone that we will be adding another bundle of joy to our family around August 11, 2012.
Hope everyone had as wonderful of a Christmas as we did. More pics to come when it settles down a little around here!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Kinzie Kay
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Here Comes Santa Clause!
We had our ward Christmas party last night and it was a lot of fun. Before we left Mya said she wasn't going to sit on Santa's lap, and Kylan was very concerned because then he wouldn't know what she wanted for Christmas, but when the time came she was just find sitting on his lap and telling him what she wanted for Christmas.
THe kids were SOOOO excited to see Santa that it made me excited! Here are their faces when he first walked in. It was funny because Kylan had to go to the bathroom right before he came so Tim ran him to the bathroom and the whole time Kylan was so afraid he was going to miss him, but he didn't! Even Emmit knew who Santa was. If you asked him he would point to Santa!
Christmas Tree Hunting
The first Saturday in December we went up to Carol Summit to look for Christmas Trees. This has kind of become a Sorensen Family tradition the last few years. This is only the second Tim our whole family has gone. Last year Emmit was still pretty little and Tim and I had bad colds, so grandma and grandpa came and took Kylan. There was so much snow last year that it was pretty misserable and Brett and Teri ended up with what was referred to as the "Christmas Bush" after hours of looking for the perfect tree. We also had a few sap problems - Gavin and Rayannes tree fell over covering their carpet, wood floor, tv stand and tv in sap and we had them get us a small tree that left puddles of sap on our tile floor. Needless to say, neither us or Gavin and Rayanne actually cut a tree this year, but Brett & Teri and Laine and Tonya found very nice trees! Teri made soup and hot chocolate and the kids played in the little bit of snow there was, looked for little pine cones and went on "hikes". It was fun, but very cold so we were only there for a couple hours. And the best thing to come of the trip is that Emmit has no qualms about wearing shoes anymore. In fact he is excited when I put them on because it means he gets to go outside!
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