Well, I only have 3 more days in my long term (tomorrow and then 2 B days next week) and while there were fun things about teaching again, I am glad to have a break. I know now that I am not organized enough to be able to teach full time and have a baby (or more). Subbing is perfect for now! We haven't been too healthy here this week either - I don't have much of a voice, Kylan is a little stuffy, and poor Tim has a fever, aches all over and has a headache. It's just that time of year!

The view I've had for the last 3 weeks; classic Kylan
Other news here is that Kent gets home in THREE weeks from today. I can't even tell you how happy I am and excited. I can't wait for Ky to meet his uncle Kentie! Plus, it feels like he has been gone FOREVER!! Kent could always fix anything, so now anything that isn't working right at my Dad's house or office he just says he is waiting for Kent to get home to fix (Janet doesn't appreciate the back door not working right, but she'll have to wait) and since my washer broke, it would be great for him to be home now so that he can help us do some rewiring in our garage so that we can have a full size washer and dryer and not have to buy another stackable. Plus, I just miss him too much!

Pics from Billy's game this week - drinking from grandma's Sonic drink!
Is that fur I see around Kylan's hood?
What a cutie! I had to laugh at Kenna with the soda--she and your grandma always have one it seems! That is so great that Kent gets home soon. Hopefully we can all work out a family reunion in the near future.
Mary - yes, that is his white rapper jacket and Kelly, my mom even gets a special discount at Sonic she goes there so often! It would be so much fun to see everyone again! The high light of my summer when we were little was going to Tahoe with everyone!
Ummm that's pretty much adorable. And it's extremely weird to see Mr. Billet's room. Takes me back.
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