Thursday, December 4, 2008

"Ut Oh Momma's Keys"

Kylan and I took a little trip to City Hall to pay a bill (I am out of checks, thank goodness I ordered some more a couple days ago) and while leaving he noticed the fountain out back. I thought, we have some time to burn, so why not?? I forgot that he had my keys and after looking at the "water" for about 5 minutes we said goodbye and started walking to our car when Kylan suddenly turned around and chucked my keys into the fountain. Now if this fountain was a normal depth I could have reached in a grabbed them but with the tall wall around it and my big belly that wasn't happening. Luckily there was a policeman standing outside by his car and he very graciously fashioned a hook out of a wire hanger and fished them out. He even gave Kylan a sticker (though he didn't deserve it). The whole time he kept saying "Ut Oh Momma's Keys water" hmmmm I wonder how they got there!
Believe it or not my remote still works! How boring was life before Kylan!


Anonymous said...

Kassi - You HAVE to give Ky a few pennies to throw in the fountain! Remember when Lynne and I used to give you kids pennies to throw into the fountain in Meadowood? Of course, your keys could still end up in there along with the pennies!!! You have to admit it's pretty funny! :-)
Grandma N

Anonymous said...

We think Kylan is so entertaining! We are always just waiting to see what he will do next.
Grandma N - and Grandpa