Our garden spot - don't let it fool you, we have too many trees in our back yard, so really the only thing that grew were the tomatos, luckily that is my favorite thing out of the garden. We have a new plan for the other vegies this year.

One grow spot all rotatilled up. We need to add more dirt to this one before adding the new plants and wood chips.

The raspberry coffee cake. We ate the entire thing over the course of the day yesterday (I finished it while Tim was playing ball last night), so this pic will have to do.

My new dryer! I can just put the clothes/towels in, shut the door, turn the knob and press the button, and it works. I don't have to duct tape the button on the door down, hold the door in place (that's right, it was no longer attached) while I put the suitecase against it and then check it every 15 minutes to make sure it is still running! Doing laundry has been wonderful today!

The new hose rollers that I assembled and connected.

Our grow box on the other side with the new plant (the one in the middle) and wood chips in it.

Why we are so concerned with our yard each year. Notice the BRIGHT green lawns on our street. There are only 3 of us with xero scaping, and the other two were professionally done. One of our neighbors used to always ask us what we were doing with our yard, he gave up last year!

What I did while the kids napped today. I LOVE homemade bread and was making it once a week for a couple months, but then I had Mya and I could no longer afford to eat a loaf all by myself (that's the one thing I miss about being prenant, not feeling guilty about what I eat), but I broke down today. We will be giving two loafs away though.

Mya sporting one of her summer outfits earlier this week. I miss the 80 degree weather and can't wait for it's return!
Hooray for the new dryer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya,
Sissy looks so adorable in her summer wear!!!
What a sweetie! I can't believe how big she is. We need to get together some time with all the kids in tow.
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