The Colorado cousin's came for their annual visit and we sure had a great time! Kylan has LOVED having so many cousin's around and playing with them everyday! Even Mya loved playing with them! We did lots of fun things but for some reason I only have pics of the lake and the traditional grandchild photo (which is always an adventure)!

Left to right: Tim, Rayanne, Gav, Rachel, Brett, Teri, Tonya, Laine and Cam
All the adults at sushi/chinese food. Thank you to our wonderful babysitter who was brave enough to take on all the grandkids while we had a child-free meal (and thank you to grandma for paying for all of it)!

Close up of Ky and Mya. Kylan was throwing a fit about siting still until everyone started taking pictures then he was more than happy to smile. Mya on the other hand was sitting nicely until we started taking pictures and then she decided she had had enough!

Left to Right: Braden (4), Joselyn (3 mo.), Kylan (3), Mya (18 mo), Coralee (7), Logan (8 mo), Landon (5), Leah (2), Braylon (3).

Playing water baseball at the lake.

Playing with Uncle Cam

Mya and Logan chillin' on the beach.
We had such a great time and we sure are going to miss Rachel and her family! When I told Ky they were going back to Colorado tomorrow he said no, his cousin's were staying and just Aunt Rachel was going back!!! We sure will miss you guys!
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