Modeling their new shoes this morning. Mya also is in her new princess nightgown. She insisted on wearing her shoes last night until she went to bed, and then wanted them back on as soon as she got up today!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Pictures and Update
Modeling their new shoes this morning. Mya also is in her new princess nightgown. She insisted on wearing her shoes last night until she went to bed, and then wanted them back on as soon as she got up today!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
My Brother is the Best!

Emmit's Blessing
Us with Grandma Kenna and Grandpa Donald and Mya (who loves her grandpa's, or "pompa" as she calls them)
We blessed Emmit at our house on Sunday because all my brothers were in town and wouldn't be here on the first Sunday in September. Tim gave him a beautiful blessing and afterwards we had a lot of fun eating and visiting with the family. Poor Emmit is obviously the third child. Rayanne had to remind me to put him in his blessing outfit and she actually changed him for me (thank you Rayanne), we didn't get a picture of our whole family and really I have hardly taken any pictures of him period! He is really such a great baby and we feel very blessed to have him. He was way more layed back than our other two children are, and because of that I don't think it has been too bad of an adjustment going from two to three, of course he is still immobile, so that may change at some point, but so far I have loved having three kids!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Yesterday when we blessed Emmit (pics coming soon), my grandpa Adams brought over a photo album from their house with a whole bunch of baby pics of me and my brothers and my mom, so I decided to scan some of them this morning before I give it back. Here are my favorites:
This has always been my favorite picture of my brothers when they were little. Aren't they so cute!
My mom at about 5 months. Isn't she so cute!
And this is me at about 16 months. This pic is on the front of the album and my grandpa brought it over saying that he had found a picture of Mya. I knew that we looked similar but I was even surprised at how much she and I look alike!

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Story . . .
Saturday we went to the lake. My dad really wanted me to have him on Sunday, and Friday I had a little hope that it would happen, but unless I was on the boat on Saturday I wasn't feeling anything. We went to dinner that night for my dad's birthday, stopped at DQ on the way home and went to bed with really nothing happening. All night though I kept waking up here and there because I was uncomfortable and it took me until Tim left to irrigate at 5am to figure out why I was waking up. By 6am I couldn't sleep anymore so I started timing them, then got up and started doing some laundry and packing when I realized that moving around just made them stronger rather than stopping them. They kept coming 5-10 minutes apart all morning, and although my husband thought I was crazy, I insisited that we go to sacrament meeting because I needed the distraction. By 2:00 pm they were closer and harder, so we took the kids to my parent's house and headed into the hospital. By 4:00pm they had decided to keep me, had me hooked up to everything and broke my water. For some reason breaking my water slowed down my contractions, so they started me on on pitocin and that got them going. I had my epidural (the best thing ever invented) and I got some sleep. By 10pm I could tell I was passed a 5 (the magic number for me) and by 10:25pm I was ready to push. The nurse almost had to deliver her first baby without the doctor present, but the doctor got there just in time and Emmit was born at 10:47 pm. Everything went so well and my recovery has been great! We stayed two nights in the hospital, which was better than I thought it would be. The second night we had them keep Emmit in the nursery so that we could get some good sleep before we got home to Kylan and Mya.
Since we've been home things have been good. He is by far my easiest baby. He doesn't cry very much, and when he does he is easily consoled. He is such a sweet baby and Ky and Mya just love him to pieces!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Just a Thought
Dear Baby #3,
If you are really ready to meet everyone (which you are acting like you might be), tomorrow would be a great time so that you can be Grandpa Donald's birthday present. He has worked really hard to get you to come - boat rides, spicy food, even tried to get me on the jet ski. Just a thought. Love you!
P.S. If you aren't ready, please let me sleep tonight! Thanks!
If you are really ready to meet everyone (which you are acting like you might be), tomorrow would be a great time so that you can be Grandpa Donald's birthday present. He has worked really hard to get you to come - boat rides, spicy food, even tried to get me on the jet ski. Just a thought. Love you!
P.S. If you aren't ready, please let me sleep tonight! Thanks!
Monday, August 2, 2010
The Baby's Corner
The baby's corner in the playroom. We decided to set the crib up here for now so that we don't have to go up and down the stairs at night. Once he is sleeping the night then we will move him upstairs either into Mya's room and then move Mya in with Ky, or we will put him in with Ky. During the day he will nap in the pack-n-play in our room. The changing table will stay put - I'm not goint to go up and down the stairs all day to change diapers!
The nesting instinct has kicked in today and I love it! I love having the drive to get things cleaned and organized - it makes me feel useful again!
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