Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Emmit 3 months old AND 3 Bad Things Fixed!

Emmit turned 3 months old on Monday, but we've been a little busy so I'm posting it today. These pics were taken last week when it was still warm enough to wear shorts! Emmit is such a fun little guy! He is just so happy and he loves it when you talk to him - he will just smile and laugh in response and I think he is going to have the "Adam's laugh"! He sleeps 8+ hours at night and takes a 4 hour nap each day, and then cat naps in his swing or on the floor while playing the rest of the day (he can sleep through all of his siblings playing, fighting, crying, yelling etc). I just feel so spoiled with him!
To update the cat situation, it took until Tuesday and calling the dairy mechanic to get the stupid cat out, then we had to replace the belt. Stupid free cat cost me more money then I wanted to spend. We still have the other cat, but it now likes to hang out in Tim's truck, so we may be giving it back. We also discovered yesterday that our water heater had rusted out and had been leaking for who knows how long down into the crawl space under the house, but thanks to Brett it was replaced last night! My kids had also turned on the dishwasher while our water was turned off, so we thought it may be broken, but luckily it is working just fine! So that is our three bad things, so we better be good for awhile!


Lyle and Lori said...

All I can say is "when it rains it pours" :) XOXO, Lori

Davis and Laura said...

Emmitt is so dang cute, hope things look up for you guys!