Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Just Like Dad

This morning, the first thing Kylan did when he got down off my lap was go get one of his dad's workshirts from the back room and bring it to me and insisted I put it on him. He walked around in this for about an hour! I love how much of a little boy he is becoming!


Sariah Hartley said...

I love it when kids take after their parents!

I think you really look like your Mom:)

Mary said...

He is looking so grown up! And is that red hair I see?

Alisha said...

i can't believe how long his hair is. so cute.

zippy said...

He's so cute! It was so nice to see you all at the BBQ at Craig and Debbie's--glad to see you are all doing well!


I've tagged you on my blog for a "10 in 10 minutes" post. See my blog for details. : )