Wednesday, October 1, 2008

18 Months Old!!!

Kylan has been 18 months old for a week or so now, but we just had his appointment today. He was so good at the doctors office - he's had to attend a few appointments with me so he is learning I guess! He even got to be weighed and measured like a big boy - on a normal scale and by standing against the wall, not laying down! He is 32 inches tall (50th percentile), 28.8 lbs (80th percentile) and his head was 18 1/2 inches. The shots were probably the worst yet - he cried, held his breathe, and called for mommy. I really hate that part and it just keeps getting worse, but we survived it! I haven't done this for a while, so here are some of the fun things Kylan can do now:
  • Says all kinds of things. Like when I ask him where something is and he doesn't know, he shrugs his shoulders and says "I don know". He also says hi to everyone in the grocery store, doctors office, football game,. . . He says goodbye to everything, whether it's the checker at the store or his bath when he gets out. My favorite thing is when he says "lov ou" (love you) and adds momma to the end. He will just randomly say this during the day and it melts me!
  • Running!!! Everywhere!!! I think it is so funny that once a kid learns how to run they never walk. Just think about the shape adults would be in if we did this! Since his legs are a little bowed (doctor said not a worry), it is pretty funny to watch!
  • Jumping! It took awhile for him to get is feet off the ground, he used to just bend his knees, but once he figured it out if he isn't running he is jumping. He falls constantly, but that never seems to bother him, in fact he likes it!
  • My second favorite, next to the love you thing is that he can follow directions! He throws his diapers away, without even being asked, brings me his shoes and my shoes when I ask him, and can usually remember when he left things and get them.
  • This is probably tied with my favorite new thing, he is a total daddy's boy! As soon as he wakes up he asks me where dad is and I say I don't know where is he and he answers work with cows, trucks, tractors, grandpa, Bill, Gav, etc . . . He absolutely loves and adores his dad which is how it should be!

I can't wait to see what the next years bring! I just love being this little boys mom!

P.S. No more shots or doctors appointments for Kylan for a whole year - Whoohoo (as Kylan would say)


The Jeffs Family said...

What a cutie--he is all boy! I just love the energy little boys have.

DK Johnston said...

Kassi...he seriously is so dang cute. Hope all is going well with the pregnancy and that you are feeling well!

Camille said...

The best thing about 18 months is NURSERY!!!

Kassi said...

Yes, it would be if he would stay the whole time! We go to church from 10-1 and unfortunately nap time is 12, so the last hour he won't stay and that is when Tim and I are teaching!