Yep, be jealous. These are the yummieness that we ate this morning. It's a tradition of ours on conference weekend to have cinnamon rolls on Sunday morning. And I know you are wondering and no I did not get up at the crack of dawn to make these. I make them the night before and then stick them in the fridge to rise overnight slowly.

Mya loved her's. She ate it like a piece of watermelon, it was pretty funny to watch. She squealed in delight when I brought her downstairs and she saw hers on her plate. She takes after her mom!

Kylan helped me make the cream cheese frosting and when I told him he couldn't taste it anymore or he would get sick he told me he was three so he needed to take three more bites (we tell him this when he hasn't eaten enough at a meal, smart kid has learned to use it against us).

He didn't get to enjoy the yummieness but I had to include some cute pics of our 8 week old Emmit. He is smiling now and even laughs once in a while (especially at his big brother). He loves to play with this toy and his floor mat and can hit the toys after lots of concentration and determination. Best of all, he only gets up once in the night now and the time he is awake is getting shorter and shorter each night so I'm sure sleeping the night is just around the corner! He also can put himself to sleep and sometimes prefers it over me rocking him! He is such a good baby, we are so blessed!

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