For anyone wondering how I turn our blog into a book each year, here is what I use and how it looks. I use a site called I wish I could say I discovered it on my own, but I actually got it from Mary. I think they are pretty reasonably priced and turn out pretty well. I figure if you take the time to blog it, it's worth paying to print it out, plus I don't keep a journal, so this is my journal each year!
Once you download the book maker and connect it to your blog and then choose which entries to include you can customize each page. You have unlimited photo and are charged by how many pages long your book ends up being. Plus, they store the books online for you, so if something happens to your book you can order another one down the road!
Awesome. I want to see it in person
that is cool. thanks for sharing the link.
Love it! We definitely have to do this! I am so bad at keeping records. This will surely help!
I loved Mary's too and decided to do one this year. It's taken me a lot longer, because I want to blog everything so I don't miss anything for the book, but I know it'll be well worth it in the end. I'm a little nervous doing my first one here in a couple months, I hope it turns out! Yours looks really cute!
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