Kylan and Mya all ready for bed tonight. Kylan has been setting traps with Kent out by the dairy and he loves it. Kent says he asks a million questions while they are doing it, and then when he gets back he tells Tim and I everything that he learns. He caught a rabbit in the trap he set yesterday (it was meant for a coyote, but he was happy to have caught something). Some funny things he has said lately: when I tell him I'm sorry for doing something, he usually says "you don't have to be sorry mom, it was an accident." Since they have been spreading manure at the dairy, he hauls "poop" all day at home whether it's outside, or in the house and he gets after Mya and I if we step in it! He sings and dances with Emmit when he is in his exersaucer and if he lets go of Emmit's hands, Emmit keeps reaching for him - he is definitly his little brothers favorite person to play with!

Here is Mya with Uncle Cam tonight. He came over for dinner and then hung out and after her bath she sat by him forever on the couch and was so happy! She too has been checking traps with Uncle Kent and she loves to touch the animals (not sure if I like that, but I think it's funny that she is so much braver than Ky). She has been potty training again, but this time I let her pick out a barbi doll and she is filling up a chart to earn it and she is doing much better, especially the last couple days! She is talking up a storm now and she talks in full sentences! She has a love/hate relationship with Emmit - she doesn't get that he is a baby and that when he pulls her hair or hits her I can't get after him because he doesn't understand, but for the most part she loves him. She is learning her numbers and tries to count everything. She also sings all the time. Her favorites are "Old MacDonald", "Three Little Monkeys Swinging in the Trees" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider."

Emmit, dad, Mya and Cam watching TV.

Emmit zonked out on dad tonight. He fell asleep while eating, but it was too early for bed and too late for a nap so I gave him to Tim to hold. He woke up for a short time and then fell right back to sleep on him - pretty cute! Now that he is better he is pretty much back to his normal self. He is now at the stage where he gets upset if he can't see anyone and he is much more of a mama's boy than the other two kids were - it seemed like Mya and Ky would've much rather had dad than me! He FINALLY started blowing raspberries and saying "Dada" this week, but he still refuses to roll and he really needs to start doing it because he isn't as happy with being immobile as he used to be, so I am letting him cry things out a lot more lately hoping it will motivate him to move. He is a good baby food eater and eats a lot most days! He is still a very smiley boy and will smile for anyone!
that picture of emmit and tim REALLY make me want a newborn (although he's not really a newborn anymore). man, that is so cute. i love his rosy little cheeks.
Now, these are darling children!
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