For Christmas Mya got some play/dress up clothes and on Christmas day she didn't really seem to like them, but as time has gone by she plays with them more and more. While I was at the store today Tim said Ky came out and said that he had made Mya all pretty and this was how she came out:

and then while Tim was showing me the picture he took of Mya Ky decided to dress up too. This will be going on his 16th birthday cake!

Both he and Mya love wearing the high heals and running around on the hard floor. Is it sad that my 2 and 3 year old walk in heels better than I do???

And here is Emmit's new trick - sitting up by himself. He will still fall over some (notice the pillow behind him), but he gets better and better at it everyday (especially if his brother and sister leave him alone while he is sitting)!
YEah for Emmit. Little boys can play dress ups to :)
I'm putting the comment on this one in case you don't see it on an older post but have you used gripe water for Emmit's colic? It works wonders!! Our walmarts here have a version with whinnie the pooh on the box (that kind doesn't work) but then they have another brand too. Its behind the pharmacy counter. Shya had colic and acid reflux and after I had her on gripe water and prevacid, she was a different baby. I kept her on it from 2 to 6 months.
Cute pics. Your little ones are about the same age as mine-May 2007, February 2009, September 2010.
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