We woke up to all of this today:
Onto the Emmit update. The walk-in clinic doctor told me on Wednesday that if he still had a fever Friday morning to bring him back in. Last night before bed his fever finally broke, for the first time since Saturday night. We were so happy! He only woke up once last night, and then when he got up this morning his fever still hadn't come back! Other than throwing up a bunch of flem, he was feeling so much better! He went down for a hap around 9am and slept for almost three hours. When he woke up he felt warm, but I thought it was just from sleeping, so I gave him Tylenol (for the pain in his ear since his ear drum ended up rupturing Wed. afternoon), then fed him and changed him. I then took his temp and it was 103.5 and this was about 30 min after he had been given Tylenol! I called Tim who came home immediately. Emmit threw-up again by the time he got home (mostly flem again), so we bathed him and I ran him in. His temp was still at about 102 in the doctors office (now over an hour since he had medicine) and so they put him on a stronger antibiotic + antibiotic drops for his ear. If he still has a fever on Monday I have to take him back, and if it gets above 104 we are to take him to the ER over the weekend (she told me Narag is on duty this weekend which is good). I just want my baby to be better!
1 comment:
Too scary. How painful for his ear drum to burst and not know what was going on!
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