Day 12: A show I am addicted to right now
I am addicted to many shows on TV, but here are the top 8:
1. Modern Family - this is I think the funniest show on television right now. And no one can bag on it until they have seen it. It's great!
2. The Office. No explanation needed.
3. Community - a study group at a community college with Chevy Chase and the host of "The Soup" - what more can you ask for!
4. Outsourced - an American in India - who knew it could be so funny!
5. Mr. Sunshine - apparently not too many other people liked this one because it was cancelled, but if it gets a second chance, you have to watch it. It's pretty funny! (Besides, we are die hard Friends fans, so we have to support Mathew Perry)
6. The Real Housewives of . . . . series on Bravo. Currently I am watching New York, New Jersey and the OC (which just had it's season finale last night).
7. Pawn Stars. I love all the historical stuff they get!
8. All My Children - My mom has been watching this since it started and I remember watching it with her growing up. As an adult I just watched it every now and then because it was on during Tim's lunch and of course he didn't want to watch it, but once we got DVR I started watching it everyday. Now they are cancelling it in September and I am VERY upset (words can't even express how upset I am), so I am savoring every last moment that I have to watch the show!
Cameron graduated from highschool this past weekend and Carly, Kyle, Rachel, Coralee and Carson all surprised him and came. It was so much fun to be able to hang out with everyone, and we had a couple good days of hanging out before everyone came down with the flu Saturday night/Sunday. Since we have CC Comm tv, we got graduation on tv, so us, Gav and Rayanne, Laine (Tonya had the flu) and the kids all watched it at our house after we had dinner with everyone. Afterwards everyone came back to our house for some home made ice-cream. Saturday we had Cam's grad party which was a lot of fun too.

Since graduation wasn't until 7:30 it was a late night for all the grandkids. Here are the older ones watching cartoons in Tim and my bed (Coralee, Leah, Braden, Kylan and Mya).

Carson just hanging out. He was so good the whole time Rachel was at graduation!

Jocelyn kept climbing into Emmit's exersaucer. She was pretty funny!!
And in more exciting news . . . EMMIT IS CRAWLING!!! It finally clicked about a week and a half ago. He is once again a happy baby (except when he has the flu). He is loving exploring everywhere, and is already learning not to go down the stairs (he has already been caught between the back of the couch and the stairs).