Day 16: What's in my purse.
Funny story, we (meaning my brothers and I) used to make so much fun of my mom for the contents of her purse. It was always filled with Klinex (used, unused, freely floating around) and she could never chew a whole stick of gum because it made her gag (yep, I inherited that also probably because of the teasing), so there would always be a pack of half-sticks of gum in her purse with fuz from her Klinex's stuck to the ripped part. We had many laughs over this!!! On a more appetizing note, she also liked to keep tic-tac's in her purse, and not the mint ones but the good orange ones and she would pull them out during church and pass them around. As a result, I never have Klinex or gum in my purse, but I do try to keep some kind of candy or fruit snack in my purse for emergency's with the kids (or me:).
My grandma Adams always had junior mints in her purse, and a little coin purse that weighed about 20lbs! And I know that my kids will always remember that Grandma Teri always has life-saver mints in her purse during church just for them. Trust me, those mints have saved many lives during church!
WHere did you get your purse?! I want it! That is so cute and your contents are pretty normal for all mothers... Crumbs are nasty but somehow a staple :)
Thanks Tracy! I got it at Gap online. I love it!
I'm grateful that you carry around extra diapers and saved me the other day! :) With Brin I was always prepared and with Laila...well, I'm just glad I remember to bring her with me. Thank goodness there are moms who are actually prepared out there!
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