Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 14

Day 14: A photo of something that makes me happy. Well, I have three pictures of things that make me happy:

Homemade Bread. I love it. I really love all bread, even plain old white bread from the store (it's my favorite snack), but the homemade kind is the best. Since I had to stay home from church again this week because Emmit is sick, or teething - either way he is misserable - I decided to make my favorite homemade bread that I haven't made in a long time. Not only was I excited, but Ky and Tim were pretty happy about it also! Here are Ky and Mya enjoying their cinnamon twist bread - or frosting bread as Ky calls it. There were 4 loaves of bread, notice that there are only 2 1/2 left in this pic. That's why I don't make it often!

And this is what happened when I sat down to blog this. We have 4 couches, a recliner, playroom, large yard and plenty of other square footage, and this is where we all are (except Emmit who is napping, but trust me he would want to be here also). It makes me happy!

And the last one, my kids ready to go to the lake. We went for the first time this summer yesterday. Going to the lake makes me happy!

It was really a miracle that we even made it out yesterday, but we were determined and we weren't there long, but we made it and we had fun. As mentioned before, Emmit is sick or teething (I'm hoping/leaning towards teething). He is very fussy and by that I mean that he is happy for about 10-15 min after waking up, and then cries the rest of the time. I was hoping that going to the lake would make him happy (being outside usually helps), so I continued to get everyone ready through his continual crying and refusal to take a nap. My parents called and said we would be leaving soon, then called a few minutes later to let me know that mice had gotten into the boat during the winter so they had to clean out everything. If you know my dad and how nicely he keeps his things, especially his boat you know what a tragedy this is. They have never gotten into the boat. They get it all cleaned up, then my dad checks things to make sure everything is okay since it's been winterized and he finds that the people who did had left the key on, meaning the battery is dead. We eventually make it out at about 11am and while there my dad discovers there are still mice in the boat (thank goodness I never saw them) so he will be setting traps in there. It was fun, except that Emmit cried pretty much the whole time. I'm hoping next week is a little better!!!

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