Last night at about 10:00 Brett discovered Bill's mission call in the mail (Teri had been out of town), so after a long wait (Teri didn't get home until today, Brett had a ward conference in Smokey Valley) he opened it at 5:30pm . . .
Brothers cuddling with the envelope
You are called the Micronesia Guam Mission and are to report on October 8, 2008 (I think Teri looked ahead)!
Checking out the map - yes it is a tiny island in the middle of the ocean!
The two future missionaries with the soon to be missionary!
We are so excited for Bill and can't wait for him to go - well actually we might be able to wait for that.
We love you Bill!!!
Billy is going to Paradise!!!!!!!! I had to go to the Mission website to look at every picture, and then onto Micronesia and Guam. Somehow I didn't think Guam was as green and tropical as other Pacific Islands, but it all looks beautiful! I thought at first he would just be on Guam, but I see he will have to load up on seasick meds for when he takes one of those boats to another island! IT WILL BE GREAT! :-) Congrats to Bill!
Love - Grandma N
Congratulations Billy! That is great news! :)
That's so cool that he's going on a mission! That's really exciting.
cool billy!!!
Hi, This is cousin Cicily. Did you know that my sister Molly went to the Micornesia Guam Mission!!? You should tell Billy to give her a call and tell him congrats and good luck.
Cicily, that's what Teri was thinking! We will definitly have him call her!
Wow! that's so cool, can we come visit!
Congrats Billy!! Thats awesome!
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