I tried to upload from our new camera a video, but the file was too big I guess and so it was taking too long. I was able to upload it to Facebook for those of you on there.
In other news this week, we put up blinds in our living room and Kylan's room. We have lived in our house 3 1/2 years and just now put up blinds in the rooms that didn't have them when we bought it. It is so nice and we are wondering why we didn't do it earlier! Tim also cut Ky's hair today and he buzzed it a little shorter than we thought it would be, but he's still cute and it will and it won't get all messed up in his car seat! Kylan has also learned how to do sumersaults (sp?). Uncle Kent taught him while we were at the DHI dinner this week. It's pretty cute, and it makes him very tired!!!
The haircut makes him look so grown up!
I think so too, but Tim likes it because he thinks it makes him look like he did as a baby!
Very tired is Very good!!
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