- That's/it's amazing
- I will
- Me did it (she doesn't get "I" yet)
- drink your soda, please
- pretty, pretty, please!
- She can now get her own water from the fridge and she drinks TONS everyday (she always has)
- After lots of practice and work she can now pedal her tricycle and loves riding bikes with Kylan on the carport
- She loves the dog and really loves yelling at him when he barks
- She still loves to take naps, especially on my bed which she has been doing a lot lately because Kylan is usually working with Tim in the afternoons.
- She loves to help me do everything, and it always carrying a stool here and there in the kitchen to help me cook
- She loves to go gopher trapping with Tim, and Tim tells me that she is fearless and is climbing in and out of the ditches, holes, anything she can climb in and out of while they are gone
Easter was fun this year. Kylan understood things a little more, so we made sure we talked a lot about the true meaning of Easter and really seemed to get it (as much as a 4 year old can anyway). My mom had us all over to color eggs, which I really appreciated because I don't do well with messy things like this and was kind of dreading having to do it. Good thing Grandma Kenna loves it! Both the kids loved it and did a good job.
Easter Sunday was a little hectic. The kids hunted eggs at our house, then we had church from 10 to 1, then ate at Sorensen's at 2:30, followed by dinner at Schanks at 5:30. We were all asleep by 9:00 that night! But we sure did have a lot of fun. The kids had three easter egg hunts (one at each house).
Mya hunting eggs at Sorensen's in her Easter outfit from Gma and Gpa Schank
Well, that's about it for my long post!!!