Anyone who knows me knows that I love buying clothes for my kids and dressing them up - I take after my mom in this - I would rather buy my kids clothes than myself! So, any excuse to get them new clothes I take, so every Easter they get the customary new Sunday clothes. Funny story, Tim asked me today how long we had to buy our kids Easter outfits and I just smiled and he said, until they are married, right? And he was! I think I did really well this year, both in look and price, so even though it isn't technically Easter Sunday, it was so nice outside (and I haven't done laundry since last Sunday), I put them in their new stuff!
I have a tear jerker story that I have to put on here so I won't forget it. Tim told me that one day he and Ky were walking back from checking gopher traps and he was thinking to himself how Kylan is already his best little buddy and how he is so excited to have him as his friend and son as he grows up because they already have so much fun together. He said that then Kylan looked up at him and said, "Dad, your my best bud." Ya, I cried when he told me!
I've been trying to do more one on one things with Mya lately since Kylan gets to do so many with his dad and because of it she has been giving me lots of kisses (which as you know are hard to get from her), but I am so glad we have been able to do some fun little things together because she is such a sweet fun little girl. The other day we watched Tangled together in the afternoon while Kylan was in the tractor and Emmit was napping. She is a good movie watcher and so fun to snuggle with. We also all went to Reno to get her dress and so Tim and the boys went to Scheels and she and I shopped. She is already a good shopper. She found everything that was pink and told me if things were pretty or not. She also found every sparkly shoe and showed them to me. She too is taking ater her grandma and mom! At this age Kylan would have just been running from me, but not her, she is a true shopper! I can't wait to see Emmit's personality grow and develop!
The Kylan story is very sweet!
Aawwwwww! :) XOXO, Lori
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