Wednesday, March 17, 2010

17 Weeks

Baby is about 5 1/2 inches long and as many ounces and is beginning a growth spurt (great)! This is about how I looked with Mya at 20 weeks, but I was carrying so low with her and I think this one is higher - maybe a boy? Who knows?!

I feel the baby everyday now and I have braxton-hicks everyday also, especially if I sit for a long period of time. Also, for those first timers out there, more than 4 an hour doesn't mean you are in early labor like some of the books say, just a little FYI. I just read that on this baby and started laughing.

1 comment:

Abe n Linz said...

I agree about the braxton hicks! I had a ton of them, and never considered gong in.
You're looking great. I love the cute little hand reaching up :)