Eating cinnamon rolls is our family tradition for Sunday morning General Conference. Unfortunately for my taste buds, but great for my waist I only make cinnamon rolls now for General Conference. However, I may make it a Christmas tradition as well this year (twice a year is just not enough)!
This is a common sight at our house. For some reason this is a favorite place for our kids to play (especially for Kylan and Emmit). I'm not sure why, but it's pretty cute.
- Mya LOVES to watch He Man. It is her favorite cartoon and it's so funny because it was Tim's as well when he was her age. She will tell me about He Man for 15 minutes straight. The other day she was telling me that her arm is broken (another common thing for her to say) and she told me that He Man was going to fix it for her. I said "Oh that's great. Do you love He Man?" (meaning the cartoon as a whole) and she replied, "Yes. He my boyfriend mom!" Oh no, it's already starting.
- Today Tim asked Mya if he looked like He Man. She said, "Yes, you look like He Man. Take your shirt off daddy!" Tim didn't, but we got a good chuckle out of it!
- We forgot to take our trash can out and we heard the garbage truck coming, so Tim ran outside to catch it because it was full this week. Both kids ran to the play room and were watching him out of the window. They were both cheering him on saying "run fast dad" and then Mya added "Run fast dad, like He Man."
- Mya likes to put her own undies back on now when she goes to the bathroom. So, this means they are usually on backwards, inside out, or occationally she is wearing them up around her waiste because she has put both legs in the same hole.
- When I picked Ky up from preschool the other day he and Braden were talking on their way to their cars and Kylan said (very loudly) "Remember Bra-bra we aren't supposed to tell anyone that Trevor has a girlfriend." Then he preceeded to tell me the same thing. When I asked him who Trevor's girlfriend was he paused, then said "I don't know mom, he just has one."
- He told me the other day that he had something very important to tell me. He then asked me if I could come quail hunting with he and dad and bring the video camera and video them hunting.
- Kylan told Grandma Teri last night that the coyotes howling at night scare him. Teri told him he could call Jeff (whitaker) and tell him to come shoot him. She said he told Jeff on the phone, "Jeff, you have you come shoot these coyotes. Bring your BIG gun!"
- He loves to think that he has scared/shocked Mrs. Stark, so when I picked hip up after he had brought his duck calls for show and tell the first thing he told me was, "Mom, I blowed my call and scared Mrs. Stark!" Poor Mrs. Stark!
Well, I'm sure there are more stories, but I can't think of any right now! These kids crack me up everyday!
I love how Kylan is so into animals. Rob told me that when he rides with Aaron he just points out every animal in sight.
We have HeMan on dvd if you want to borrow it. :)
avery is into heman right now too! she knows all the characters (i don't now them at all) and says, "i love heman".
too bad girls...he's gay.
Well Kelli, next time your in Fallon Avery and Mya will have to have a heman party! And thanks Mary, but we already have them. Ours was even a two disk set, so she has one in the car and one in the playroom!
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