Monday, October 24, 2011

Mya at the Pumpkin Patch

A week after Ky went to the pumpkin patch with his class, Tristin Reagan and Greyson came to town and we went again while Ky was in preschool. It was a lot of fun! We looked at the animals, walked out the pumkin patch and then sat outside and ate cinnamon rolls. We then went to pick up Ky and Tristin and her kids came back to our house and played with us for most of the day. It was a lot of fun!
Mya took FOREVER to find a pumpkin. She kept finding "cute" ones but then would say they were too dirty to take home. Before Kylan went to the pumpkin patch, she was sure she was going to find a pink one, but then Kylan reported to her when he got home that there were only orange ones. Grandma Kenna said if she would've come with us she would have went and got one a few days ahead, painted it pink and then put it back so she could have found it! Wish we would have thought of that!

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