1.I am the only girl in my family and I like it that way. In fact I would love for Mya to be my only girl. Everyone always tells me I missed out on having sisters, but you can’t miss what you never had and because I had no sisters my mom and I are very close and I like that!
2.My new favorite thing to do is to see how much I can save at the grocery store each week. I love it when the amount saved is more than what I paid for the groceries.
3.I also like to see how long I can go without going to the store. Right now I am aiming for next Saturday, we’ll see if I make it.
4.I LOVE Peeps – yes the little marshmellow chicks covered in yellow sugar! I can eat a whole box in one day by myself!
5.I HATE Halloween. I loath it even more now that I have to come up with costumes for my children.
6.I wanted to be just like my dad when I was little. I even started biting my nails because he did and now it is a nasty habit that I wish I could break!
7.I am not a night or a morning person – I would love to go to bed by 10pm every night and sleep until 10am every morning!
8.I love getting things in the mail. I love it when I have ordered something off the internet because I can track it online and see where it is and when it is getting here.
9.I am online way too much. I told Tim this is what happens when I stay home all day!
10.I can’t stand to just stay home! As a result we probably go to one of our parents house to hang out 4 or 5 nights a week. Before Mya came I took Ky to the dairy probably 3 or 4 days a week.
11.I would love to live where it is warm all year round because I hate being cold and I love summer clothes! Winter clothes are too bulky and hot!
12.I very rarely wear a coat no matter how cold it is outside because I hate carrying it around once I get inside, it’s just easier to be cold for a few minutes.
13.My favorite calling in church that I’ve had is being a relief society teacher. I thought it would be scary, but I loved it!
14.I avoid Walmart during all major holidays so that I don’t have to run into people from high school. It’s not so much that I don’t want to see them, it’s that I have a hard time remembering names and I feel bad when someone knows me and I don’t have a clue who they are!
15.I am really bad at keeping in touch with people (as most of my friends from high school know).
16.I recently went through labor the “natural” way which was not planned and I plan on never doing that again. Our hospital has a policy that you have to be dialated to a 5 to have the epidural, and I went from a 5 to a 10 in 30 minutes and the epidural lady showed up just in time for me to start pushing. My doctor has promised me I don’t have to wait until I’m a 5 next time!
17.For most of my life I said I was going to adopt kids because I didn’t want to go through labor.
18.I thought I would like to go back to teaching someday, but the longer I sub the more I think that I will just sub the rest of my life – I like the freedom of choosing when I work.
19.I (and Tim) would love to be able to travel someday. We are both history buffs and we would love to go to Europe and see all the historical stuff and the fun stuff of course too!
20.Two of my favorite movies are “Chicago” and “Moulan Rouge”. My husband thinks these are horrible movies (as do a lot of people), but I really enjoy the music in them! I love musicals!
21.I call my daughter Leah (her cousin’s name) a majority of the time – ya, I can’t even remember my own kids name.
22.I should have known I was having a girl before we found out because ever since Kylan has been born in all my dreams I have a little boy and a little girl. Sometimes I would even wake up looking for her.
23.I talk and walk in my sleep especially when I am overly tired. When I was in high school I would wake up in the shower.
24.Even though I have never slept with one of my kids in bed with me, I had nightmares right after Kylan was born and now Mya that Tim or I had rolled over on them in the night.
25.I love watching all the wedding shows on the WE station even though I am already married. I just can’t believe how much money some people spend on one day. Seriously people it is one day, go buy a car or put a down payment on a house rather than spend that much money on ONE day!!!
1 comment:
So fun to learn these new things about you! I just wanted to tell you how cute your kids are! They are really beautiful. I mostly think newborns are ugly and prune-y, but Mya is really pretty. Good job on your "natural" labor! I must say that I had all of my kids in Reno...no 5 rule! With Jadee, I was dilated to a 9 with a bulging bag and I STILL got an epidural! It was worth every trip I made to Reno and back!
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