Kylan had a sleep over at Grandma Sorensen's house last night (thank you again Grandma). He loves spending time with grandma and is usually very tired when I bring him home, which makes for good napping. He is now old enough that I can kind of have a conversation with him, so we were talking on the way home and I told him I missed him. I wasn't sure he understood what this meant, but he said back to me "Ky-Ky missed momma, missed daddy, missed baby sister." On the same ride home, while listening to the radio he said "Like this song." I said back it makes me want to shake my boodie and he replied "No shake boodie, dance" and started dancing. I love how he is starting to talk in sentences and understands what I am saying to him and can reply back. It is so much fun!

This pic is for Reed and Carissa - here she is in the little outfit you guys got her. She looks so cute in it!

At grandma's house last night Kylan was suddenly quiet, which is a bad sign usually. When I went to find him I found him like this watching a movie in the extra bedroom. Rayanne got him this cow when he was born (Braden, Leah and now Mya all have them also) and it is the only stuffed animal he has ever liked and he absolutely loves it!

Grandpa Sorensen and Mya. She sat with him like this for at least a half hour last night. Both of my babies have loved their grandpa's and are always so calm with them, I guess they just have the special touch!
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