Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Doctor Appointment

A lot has changed from last week. My doctor told me today while examining me that going past my due date isn't going to be an issue! WhooHoo!!! I'm only dialated to maybe a 1 but my cervix is soft and ripened and some other things that I will spare you the details of! I have to last until after this week (the lungs aren't totally developed until 37 weeks), which he doesn't think I will go into labor this week, but won't (hopefully) make it until the 7th! My next appointment will be next Thursday, so hopefully I will be even futher along since that is a little over a week away!!
In flu news, Kylan still isn't better. He isn't throwing up constantly, although he did throw-up right when we put him to bed last night (my washer is earning it's keep) and once while writing this post (we made it to the bathtub in time), but every morning he wakes us up by saying "Good morning, I poopy" and he is still dragging, so he isn't totally better. He has had the stomach flu more during his short life than I can count and never just for 24 hours! I feel so bad for him! I'm doing fine, and Tim still hasn't gotten it (knock on wood), so hopefully we will be completely over this yuckyness before our little girl arrives!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Do you have any names yet???